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From Holding Back to Being Everywhere: Free Therapy for Black Women on Unleashing Potential

Black woman in a futuristic scene with paint and glow and sparkles on her skin.
"I Shine, You Shine, Shine" Image generated by Midjourney edited by Minista Jazz

Beautiful family,

Before it was decided that Sisterhood Sit-In would exist in the future, some serious self-assessment needed to happen.

  1. Does the virtual world need yet another voice?

  2. Will our digital dialogue be consistent, authentic, and purposeful?

  3. Can I pull this off? Why me, why now?

First, to answer, these questions, I had to get real about some shackles in my mind and the game of "tiny tutti" I've been playing in my life. Recently, a wake-up call from my coach revealed something stark and a bit painful—I was only giving 25%. That's right, just a quarter of what I can. I've been coasting on a fraction of my potential, hiding in plain sight. I could get away with it because usually, no one is paying attention or caring enough to call me out. Some others are glad that I ball up because it makes it easier for them to glow up around me. All this is happening, and I keep my dimmers, pretending the light will hurt my eyes and theirs.

I know I'm not alone. You know the story. We hold back because it feels safe. No eyes scrutinizing our every move, no whispers questioning every choice. But here's the real kicker: playing it safe is a prison of our own making. It's like having the power of an elephant but only prancing inside of a cage, waiting for someone to throw us a few peanuts. Knowing you have so much power and limit yourself makes you the real elephant in the room. The people who know you think about i but don't talk about it. But this week, my coach called me all the way out.

Black human in fantasy scene in a pink ocean keeping head above water
'Gotta Keep Your Head Up' Image generated by midjourney edited by Minista Jazz

In 2014, I took my kids to see a film called "Lucy," where the main character taps into the furthest reaches of her brain capacity. I only remember this movie 10 years later because my son said, 'Mom, you remind me of Lucy,' after watching me work to build a website, edit video audio, make a jacket, write two articles, and do physical therapy for my recovering ankle fracture, and that was all in one day. I had to rewatch the film to know what he was talking about. And I got it. Sadly.

In the movie, Lucy gets drugged (I don't condone the use of drugs to unleash your unlimited potential) and goes from using less than 10% of her brain to 100% capacity... yikes! This got me thinking about what my coach said and what it would mean to be fully 'me'. At 100%, Lucy transcends her human limitations, eventually declaring, "I am everywhere." Let’s strip this down: this isn’t just fantasy from a movie. It’s real talk about breaking free from what holds us back. Think about it—what if you could spread so much love and truth that you’re not just a drop in the ocean but could become the wave itself?"

Black woman in fantasy photo digital art with gold liquid and pink and orange clouds
"Loose Your in The Moment" image generated by Midjourney edited by Minista Jazz

Our love for not just one another but for ourselves is a act of protest. It’s a rebellion against those nagging voices telling us 'I'm too much' or 'I am not enough'. You know, the ones—too weird, too loud, too different. Here's our chance to turn down their volume and turn up our own truth.

Each act of self-love is a declaration that 'I am exactly who I am.' I am here right now with the thoughts, ideas, intentions, dreams, desires, and visions, and they were given to me/you/us because they were meant to be born through us. And trust me, no one gets it more than me that shaking off that 'skin' of the so-called perfect human is hard to do. But the version of us, the naked and unashamed soul of us, the being that God designed us to be, is the most captivating, beautiful creature there ever was.

Be easy with yourself, it doesn't happen overnight. But it does happen one baby crawl, step, fast walk, jog—you get my point—at a time. Are you ready to stop hiding and start shining? Join me in turning up our brightness—no more dimming our light for others. It’s our time to shine brightly and boldly.

Black woman fantasy digital image.
"Relax Yourself, Girl, Please Settle Down" image generated by Midjourney edited by Minista Jazz

Let this be a call to arms—or better yet, a call to hearts. To those of you feeling the pull to hide your greatness, I challenge you to burst out. Break free and explode into the fantastic essence of who you are. Look, this act is not about being seen; it’s about being profoundly, unapologetically alive.

So, how did I answer the questions? Smile.

Join me at the same time next Sunday at 7 PM as we unwind from the weekend and prepare for the upcoming week. Let's commit daily to offering a bit more courage, boldness, and brightness to ourselves and each other. Come on this transformative journey of self-discovery and radical love with me. It's like receiving free therapy for Black women, nurturing our spirits and strengthening our community together.

Your comments, stories, and hearts are what I'm here for, and they are just what your sisters at Sisterhood Sit-In need to hear to know that they are not alone. Let’s dialogue, let’s dismantle, and most importantly, let’s grow together.

Remember, our love for ourselves and each other is the most potent protest we can ever show.

Until next time, stay beautiful, stay blessed, and remember—you can be everywhere.

Our Love Is the Protest!

Peace, Love, and Respect

"Big Sister"

Minista Jazz



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